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Quantum computers may be able to break Bitcoin sooner than you think 

Progress over the next decade can open the way for quantum computers that are strong enough to break Bitcoin encryption, new research shows Scientists from Sussex University in the UK estimate that a quantum system with 13 million qubits will be enough to solve cryptographic algorithms (SHA-256) which secured Bitcoin blockchain within 24 hours.

Even though the modern quantum computer comes everywhere that is close to this level of performance (the current record is 127 relatively small qubits), researchers say significant developments over the next ten years can produce sufficient quantum machines For now, Cryptocurrency fans can remain easy in the knowledge that the crack of the SHA-256 algorithm is not possible with current hardware, but it will not always occur. Produced by IBM, the most powerful quantum system is now mentioned as the first that its performance cannot be replicated with classical computers, but is still far from 13 million qubits needed to solve Bitcoin.

However, there are extensive research on sustainable to all aspects of quantum computing, from almost all the largest technology companies in the world. Many jobs will increase the number of quantum quantum processors, but the researchers also investigate opportunities related to QUBIT design, quantum and classic computing pairs, new cooling techniques and more In all possibilities, Bitcoin will branch out to a new quantum-secure encryption method before a strong quantum computer was developed, but this research raises important points about the long life of the encryption technique.

As recorded by Mark Webber, guiding researchers on the project, because progress in quantum computing will definitely make excessive modern encryption, will be an error to assume that today’s encrypted information will remain safe tomorrow People are worried because you can save encrypted messages now and decrypt them in the future,” Webber said. “There are great worries, we need to immediately change our encryption techniques, because in the future, they are not safe.”

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